Date | Event | Act | Place | City |
15 dec | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Barcelona Digital Centre Tecnologic | Barcelona (Spain) |
12 dec | Systematurgy | Lecture | Universitat de Vic | Barcelona (Spain) |
10 dec | Sistematurgy | Lecture | HelloWorld! | Madrid (Spain) |
6 dec | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Townhouse Gallery | Cairo (Egypt) |
30 nov to 1 dec | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Medialab | Alejandria (Egypt) |
26 nov to 11 jan | Metamembrana | Installation | Espai Bòlid | Girona (Spain) |
25 nov | Sistematurgy | Lecture | L'animal a l'esquena | Girona (Spain) |
20 nov to 20 mar | Afalud | Video | NETescopio | Badajoz (Spain) |
10 nov | Sistematurgy | Lecture | UAB Study Abroad | Barcelona (Spain) |
5 nov | Protomembrana | Performance | I Encuentro Internacional Sistematurgia Bilbao'09 | Bilbao (Spain) |
5 nov to 7 nov | Sistematurgy | Meeting | I Encuentro Internacional Sistematurgia Bilbao'09 | Bilbao (Spain) |
3 nov | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Nits Digitals | Vic (Spain) |
26 oct | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Tec Art Deco. SUPSI Università | Lugano (Switzerland) |
25 oct to 21 feb | Video review | Exhibition | Museo d’Arte Lugano | Lugano (Switzerland) |
23 oct | Protomembrana | Performance | Tec Art Deco. Teatro Cittadella Lugano | Lugano (Switzerland) |
23 oct | Epizoo | Performance | Tec Art Deco. Teatro Cittadella Lugano | Lugano (Switzerland) |
18 oct | Protomembrana | Performance | FESTIVAL SOM CINEMA | Mollerussa (Spain) |
16 oct | Protomembrana | Performance | ACCIÓesLEÓN | Léon (Spain) |
15 oct to 25 oct | DMD Europa | Installation | Vad Festival | Girona (Spain) |
15 oct | El cuerpo es el sueño... | Presentation | CCCB | Barcelona (Spain) |
8 oct | Protomembrana | Performance | Pista Digital | Sevilla (Spain) |
8 oct to 13 oct | El Dibuixant | Documentary Film | ACCIÓesLEÓN | Leon (Spain) |
5 oct to 7 oct | Sistematurgy | Workshop | Pista Digital | Sevilla (Spain) |
26 sep | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Glendon College-York University | Toronto (Canada) |
29 jul to 31 jul | Sistematurgy | Workshop | FILE 09 | Sao Paulo (Brasil) |
28 jul to 1 aug | Metamembrana | Installation | FILE 09 | Sao Paulo (Brasil) |
27 jul to 29 jul | Protomembrana | Performance | FILE 09 | Sao Paulo (Brasil) |
22 jul | Protomembrana | Performance | Caixaforum Barcelona | Barcelona (Spain) |
11 jul | Sistematurgy | Lecture | La Cerverina d'Art | Cervera (Spain) |
11 jul to 23 aug | Sèrie Polter/Dibuixos/Epidermia | Exhibition | La Cerverina d'Art | Cervera (Spain) |
2 jul | Hipermembrana | Performance | El Arte es Acción II | Madrid (Spain) |
30 jun to 5 jul | Hibridermia | Exhibition | Seconde Nature | Aix en Provence (France) |
24 jun to 29 jun | Cartell Festa Major | Presentation | Festes de San Pere de Reus | Reus (Spain) |
20 jun to 28 jun | SALON DE JUEGOS | Exhibition | Kultur Leioa | Leioa (Spain) |
18 jun to 20 jun | Metamembrana | Installation | Sonar 09 | Barcelona (Spain) |
17 may | Protomembrana | Performance | Caixa Forum Madrid | Madrid (Spain) |
15 may | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Máster en Artes Digitales | Barcelona (Spain) |
12 may | Metamembrana | Installation | Sonar NY | New York (USA) |
5 may to 11 may | El Dibuixant | Documentary Film | Docúpolis Chile | Santiago de Chile (Chile) |
24 apr | Sistematurgy | Lecture | MACC | Tenerife (Spain) |
24 apr | Protomembrana | Performance | MACC | Tenerife (Spain) |
21 apr to 23 apr | Sistematurgy | Workshop | Master arquitectura Arte y Espacio | Barcelona (Spain) |
20 apr | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Postgrau CCCB - L'Espai Expositiu | Barcelona (Spain) |
7 apr | DMD Europa | Installation | Bienal Habana | La Habana (Cuba) |
7 apr to 8 apr | Sistematurgy | Workshop | Bienal Habana | La Habana (Cuba) |
6 apr | Protomembrana | Performance | Bienal Habana | La Habana (Cuba) |
27 mar | Sistermaturgy | Lecture | Escola d’Art I Disseny de la Diputació | Tortosa (Spain) |
13 mar to 28 jun | Protomembrana video | Installation | ZKM | Karlsrhue (Germany) |
12 mar | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Trenk Art 09 | Tarragona (Spain) |
21 feb | Epizoo | Performance | Mois Multi | Quebec (Canada) |
21 feb | Protomembrana | Performance | Mois Multi | Quebec (Canada) |
18 feb to 20 feb | Hipermembrana | Performance | Mois Multi | Quebec (Canada) |
9 feb | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | Centre d'Art Cal Massó | Reus (Spain) |
7 feb | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | CCCB | Barcelona (Spain) |
5 feb | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | Sala Municipal Sant Joan | Lleida (Spain) |
31 jan | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | CCCB | Barcelona (Spain) |
30 jan | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | Espai Zero1 | Olot (Spain) |
24 jan | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | CCCB | Barcelona (Spain) |
23 jan | Metamembrana | Artist Tour Installation | Roca Umbert Fabrica de les Arts | Granollers (Spain) |
21 jan | Systematurgy | Lecture | Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo | Seville (Spain) |
14 jan to 8 feb | Metamembrana | Installation | CCCB | Barcelona (Spain) |
14 jan to 13 feb | Metamembrana | Installation | Centre d'Art Cal Massó | Reus (Spain) |
14 jan to 13 feb | Metamembrana | Installation | Sala Municipal Sant Joan | Lleida (Spain) |
14 jan to 14 feb | Metamembrana | Installation | Espai Zero1 | Olot (Spain) |
14 jan to 28 feb | Metamembrana | Installation | Roca Umbert Fabrica de les Arts | Granollers (Spain) |