Date | Event | Act | Place | City |
7 dec | Metamembrana | Presentation | Mala Festival | Torino (Italy) |
22 nov | Transpermia | Lecture | Associació Artistes Escènics | Barcelona (Spain) |
21 nov | Systematurgy | Lecture | Universitat de Vic | Barcelona (Spain) |
1 nov to 2 nov | Protomembrana | Performance | Teatre Joventut | L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain) |
24 oct to 2 nov | El instructor de canto | Interactive Installation | Periferias | Huesca (Spain) |
2 oct to 11 jan | DMD Europa | Interactive Installation | Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla | Sevilla (Spain) |
30 sep | Metamembrana | Lecture | Cité Internacionale Universitaire de Paris | Paris (France) |
27 sep | DMD Europa | Interactive Installation | ZKM Centre for Arts and Media | Karlsrhue (Germany) |
27 sep | El Dibuixant | Documentary Film | Fundación Vera Chavez Barcellos FVCB | Porto Alegre (Brasil) |
17 sep to 9 nov | Alfabeto | Interactive Installation | Fundación ONCE | Madrid (Spain) |
17 sep to 9 nov | Requiem | Interactive Installation | Fundación ONCE | Madrid (Spain) |
8 aug | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Centro Cultural de España de Costa Rica | San José (Costa Rica) |
7 aug | Protomembrana | Performance | Centro Cultural de España de Costa Rica | San José (Costa Rica) |
6 aug | El Dibuixant | Documentary Film | Centro Cultural de España de Costa Rica | San José (Costa Rica) |
15 jul | Juliols UB | Workshop | Universitat de Barcelona | Barcelona (Spain) |
12 jul | IRS3 | Performance | Planes de Son | Alt Aneu (Spain) |
11 jul | Transpermia | Lecture | Planes de Son | Alt Aneu (Spain) |
10 jul | Protomembrana | Performance | Planes de Son | Alt Aneu (Spain) |
2 jul | Transpermia | Lecture | Instituto Cervantes | Madrid (Spain) |
1 jul | Transpermia | Lecture | Guggenheim | Bilbao (Spain) |
26 jun to 28 jun | Hipermembrana | Performance | Fusion Festival | Lärz (Germany) |
12 jun to 10 aug | El discreto encanto de la tecnología | Group Exhibition | MEIAC | Badajoz (Spain) |
6 jun | Protomembrana | Performance | Festival Absolute Poetry | Monfalcone (Italy) |
6 jun to 3 nov | Banquete_Nodos y redes | Group Exhibition | LABoral | Gijón (Spain) |
4 jun | Hibridum Bestiarium | Exhibition | ROJO Artspasce | Barcelona (Spain) |
31 may | Protomembrana | Performance | Sala Central Lechera | Cádiz (Spain) |
28 may | Transpermia | Performance | Instituto Cervantes | Lisboa (Portugal) |
8 may to 2 aug | Outras Peles | Exhibition | Zé Dos Bois | Lisboa (Portugal) |
29 apr | Afasia | Performance | Teatro Stabile di Bologna | Bologna (Italy) |
24 apr | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Universidad del País Vasco | Bizkaia (Spain) |
23 apr | Protomembrana | Performance | Universidad del País Vasco | Bizkaia (Spain) |
16 apr to 22 apr | Sistematurgy | Workshop | Máster Arquitectura, Arte y Espacio Efímero | Barcelona (Spain) |
16 apr | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Institut del Teatre | Barcelona (Spain) |
11 mar | Protomembrana | Performance | UAB | Bellaterra (Spain) |
28 feb | Sistematurgy | Lecture | IED | Barcelona (Spain) |
28 jan to 30 jan | Sistematurgy | Workshop | Institut Teatre | Terrassa (Spain) |
25 jan | Protomembrana | Performance | Metropol | Tarragona (Spain) |
18 jan | Transpermia | Performance | Cendeac | Murcia (Spain) |
14 jan to 15 jan | Sistematurgy | Lecture | Universidad de Cordoba | Cordoba (Spain) |