• Documentary film of the laboratories carried out by Marcel.lÌ during 1996 and 1997 in Reggio Emilia (It), Lleida (Es), Lisboa (Pt) and Polverigi (It)

    During the years 1996 and 1997 Marcel.lÌ carried out four laboratories in southern European cities in this order: Reggio Emilia, Lleida, Lisboa and Polverigi. This work was called Satel.lits Obscens. The workshop lasted fifteen days and the participants were a mixed group of between eight and twenty people including actors, visual artists and musicians.
    The workshop was divided into three section:
    one - introduction to the ideas and work of Marcel.lÌ,
    two - development of improvisations and exercises with materials and
    three - preparation and public presentation of a collective performance drawing on the participants' ideas and their physical involvement.
    The performances were projected onto a backdrop during the performance in real time and at the same time recorded by a video production team. Thanks to these recordings in the year 2000, the documentary film SATEL.LITS OBSCENS, Comedia de los Excesos was produced. The performances grew and changed in each of the laboratories but the framework and its objectives remained constant and it was this structure that provided the script for the documentary.

    Both in its formal aspects and in the collective methodology used, Satel.lits Obscens brings to mind Marcel.lÌ's experiences with La Fura and Los Rinos in the eighties. However, Satel.lits' grotesque dimension means it goes further.
    This comedy of excesses stands out as a singular record of Marcel.lÌ's career enabling us to understand the materials later developed in the mechatronic performance Aphasia.   

    REGGIO EMILIA Festival La corte ospedale de Rubiera, workshop in Reggio Emilia. Public Performance June 14, 1996.
    LLEIDA workshop in Aula de Teatre. Festival Mostra de Teatre de Lleida. Aula de Teatre. Public Performance October 11, 1996
    LISBOA, workshop space festival Lisboa, Festival Atlantico 97. Public Performance May 30, 1997
    POELVERIGI, workshop space festival Polverigi. Festival Polverigi 97. Public Performance July 9, 1997