'El peix Sebastiano' is a strange fable woven of many micro-stories  that are chained together  in a prodigious way, is a film built from multiple visual strategies, from the stop-motion animation, cartoons, the Chomonian trick, the Mélièsian scene and the documentary film. This video is the son of the project ‘Membranas’, in which I developed several visual strategies, all of them linked to drawing forms and their kinetic applications.

    SYNOPSIS: Patat’s wonderful revelation allows Didi to discover that by jeans of drawing and fantasy she’s able to build a World quite different from that which had been laid out for her and she rebels against the stiffling surroundings in order t olead a genuine and fullfilling existence.

    Didi goes on to explore the sensuality of nature and the misterios therein in order to find her own identity, yet elusive. A telluric attraction leads her to fish Sebastiano and during their meeting the enigma of life and its meanings arises. At once, Didi and Sebastiano shall unravel it together but later on, each of them Hill also solve it in their own way.

    The fish Sebastiano is the confrontation o fan inner World, built by Didi through fantasy and drawing with its external opposite which is beyond her grasp and comprehension.


    Special thanks to: Sergi Caballero, Elisabet Alier, Arnaldo Antunes, Joana Asensio, Adelaida Antúnez, Roser Vallés, Llogari Antúnez, Blai, Ralph Bender, Zenon Bender, Míriam Barons, Pep Bosch, Víctor Carrera, Fortià Cases Antúnez, Gori Cases, Lau Delgado, Bego Domingo, Angella Dominguez, Begoña Egurbide, Eduard Escoffet, Francesc Fàbregas, Josep Maria Fita, Claudi Garcia, Marc Gómez del Moral, Sebastià Jovani, Assumpció Maresma, Núria Martínez Vernis, Dani Montlleó, Ramon Muntaner, Susanna Sans, Jordi Serra, Ivan Serrano, Eva Sòria, Elisa Torrentó, Dídac Zapata, Círcol Catòlic de Vilanova i la Geltrú, l'Estaquirot Teatre.

    With the support from: Ajuntament de Moià, Club Nàutic d'arenys de mar, Emme&Pi Advocats, Escola Massana, Centre d'Art i Disseny Llotja, Escola Superior de Disseny i Art, Pollastres i Congelats Elisa, Sie Consultors.

    El Peix Sebastiano is a production from: El tigre de Cibèria and Televisió de Catalunya

    With the support from: Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y de las Artes

    And collaboration from: Panspèrmia & SGAE

     ©Televisió de Catalunya, 2011