Date Event Act Place City
27 nov Dedal Lecture Punt Multimedia Barcelona (Spain)
15 nov Dedal Mechatronic Lecture Auditori Centre Cultura la Mercè Girona (Spain)
27 oct to 30 oct Sistematurgy Workshop Casa de Cultura de Egia Donostia (Spain)
25 oct Dedal Mechatronic Lecture Nau del carrer Carles I, 92 Olot (Spain)
8 oct to 10 oct Afasia Mechatronic Performance Small Hall of the Kcaf Arts Theater Seoul (Korea)
8 oct to 10 oct Epizoo Mechatronic Performance Small Hall of the Kcaf Arts Theater Seoul (Korea)
4 oct Dedal Lecture Maison Européenne de la Photogrphie Paris (France)
30 sep Dedal Mechatronic Lecture Garage Excelsior Nancy (France)
21 sep Dedal Mechatronic Lecture Sala Space Torino (Italy)
19 sep Dedal Mechatronic Lecture Royal Institution of Great Britain London (England)
11 sep Pol Mechatronic Show OK Centrum für Gegenwartskunst Linz (Austria)
5 sep to 23 sep Réquiem Installation OK Centrum für Gegenwartskunst Linz (Austria)
3 sep Afasia Mechatronic Performance Hanar Sorlini- Venezia Lido Venezia (Italy)
25 jul Dedal Mechatronic Lecture Casal de Moià Moià (Spain)
24 jul to 27 jul Afasia Mechatronic Performance Kornhausforum Bern (Switzerland)
21 jun Pol Mechatronic Show Rotterdam Schouwburg Rotterdam (Holland)
21 jun Dedal Mechatronic Lecture V2 Rotterdam (Holland)
16 jun Zig Lecture Mecad Barcelona (Spain)
13 jun Dedal Mechatronic Lecture La Casa Encendida Madrid (Spain)
9 jun to 12 jun Sistematurgy Workshop La Casa Encendida Madrid (Spain)
31 may to 7 jun Sistematurgy Workshop Antic Hospital Olot (Spain)
18 may to 22 may Sistematurgy Workshop Elisava Barcelona (Spain)
14 may Sistematurgy Workshop Fac. Geografia i Història Barcelona (Spain)
11 apr to 12 apr Dedal Micro-gravity Experience Ciudad de les Estrellas Moscow (Rusia)
13 feb to 2 mar Afasia (Mondo Antúnez) Mechatronic Performance Mercat de les Flors Barcelona (Spain)
13 feb to 2 mar Epizoo (Mondo Antúnez) Mechatronic Performance Mercat de les Flors Barcelona (Spain)
13 feb to 2 mar POL (Mondo Antúnez) Mechatronic Show Mercat de les Flors Barcelona (Spain)
6 feb Zig Lecture Escola Politècnica Vilanova Vilanova i la Geltrú (Spain)
3 feb Pol Mechatronic Show Republic Salzburg (Austria)
18 jan Pol Mechatronic Show Teatre Escorxador Lleida (Spain)